Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pictures and 'Peños and P-Shop (Oh my!)

This week's assignment called for the retouching and manipulation of last week's images though Adobe Photoshop. I love using Photoshop. As you will soon discover, I was especially excited at the "hyper-realty" part of the assignment. That's kind of my thing. 

I only did two photo corrections/retouches. First on one of my overhead shots of the jalapeños from the last assignment. I adjusted the colors, then rotated the plate and duplicated a jalapeño to better create my clock-like effect.



Then I did a correction on one of my "artsier" pictures. For this one I corrected the colors, vibrance, and saturation, and also cut some of the wall out from the background.


Next, I took one jalapeño from this establishing shot of my last assignment...

...and I put that little guy everywhere. Inspired by a fake example of hyper-reality our professor gave last class, I began with a ferris wheel.

I couldn't resist.

Then I thought it would be fun(ny) to super-impose my 'peños into some of the photos my classmates turned in last assignment. I hope they agree...

"Coming in hot!"

Gushers commercial?
Not the face he'll make once he takes a bite.

Next, I decided to... well... Just take a look. 

Lady Liberty looking spicy.

Capitol-apeño Building.

Jalphin, or Dol-apeño?
Not pictured: Taj Mahalapeño, Jay Leño, and Green 'Peño Carter (topical: yes, clever: no). 

Ok, so I got a little carried away....

See you Monday!
Conner Kennedy

Monday, February 13, 2012

Photo Assignment

Welcome to my point-and-shoot photography assignment! This week's project was a photo essay. One of the parameters of this assignment was to show some sort of progression from image to image. I struggled for a while over how to achieve this; should I use chronological progression, spatial progression, or some other kind that my non-photographic mind hadn't thought of yet?

I decided to use chronological progression. My girlfriend threw an apartment-warming party last weekend, and for her guests she made jalapeños stuffed with hummus and mozzarella cheese (her recipe can be found on her blog). I wanted to document the food's life from creation to consumption, including a clock-like effect with the remaining food on the plate. As you can see, I missed some of the "quarter-plate" times. These things were in high demand!


Conner Kennedy